Internets II: Craigslist

I love craigslist. It is very useful if you do not have copious amounts of money to spend on your house. We have gotten great things on craigslist, like a pair of matching city bikes made in Austria. or a pullout couch that has seen many guests and will see many, many more.

As anyone who has ever used Craigslist to search for something either really popular: for example, free couches tend to go within minutes of the initial post – or something really obscure: I am currently attempting to secure real wood doors to replace the plywood ones that we have in the house – it is really all about timing.… Read the rest


Internet is a great resource. As much as I sometimes dislike how much time and effort technology requires, I realize that that is because resources are readily available. So here are my internet resources –amazingly all free of charge –that help to create the VIB vision:

Flickr: The *future* photo stream on VIB online. We generally upload all the pictures straight from the computer, but Flickr will come in handy for use with Polyvore (see below) and for additional pictures that would take up too much space on the blog.… Read the rest