That will be it, folks

the dryer is here. delivered by home depot, actually ahead of schedule for once.

its the same brand as the washer, but that’s about where the similarities end on the two models. the washer is prior year’s model, so can’t actually get the same dryer. i can’t say i am overly enthused by the combo look, but at this point i just don’t care enough to spend any more time on this.… Read the rest

Dryer Saga

documenting our little adventure with the dryers at least gives some sort of satisfaction/closure in the process. we are down to one – we returned the broken electrical one to sears yesterday, still ahve the gas one sitting in out house, since we lost the receipt (yea, not cool, but what are you going to do).

sears didn’t have the one to match our washer in stock. so we came home without one.… Read the rest


So I did my research on electric dryers. Found the one that actually matches our laundry machine. Found it on sale. purchased the dryer online. no delivery. boooo. off to sears in woodbridge,va we went.

Here we were 40 minutes outside DC on Sunday morning:

(via stereojam)

Pull up to appliance pick up, wait for 40 minutes, the guy can’t find our dryer because our confirmation email doesn’t have the name/picture of the dryer (are you for reals sears????!!!).… Read the rest


Sergey decided that instead of delivery, we would go get our dryer – money wise wasn’t that much of a difference, so I was surprised when he insisted. Something about how stories happen when you go do stuff, instead of sit around and wait for it to be delivered. (I suspect he also really, really wanted a dryer, but whatever).


(apologies for the blurry pictures, I was super tired and a little anious over the whole get-this-thing-down-the-stairs-myself)

Well, the dryer is here.… Read the rest

Cleanliness is next to…impossible? After battles with door frames and pipes, its fi

Cleanliness is next to…impossible?

After battles with door frames and pipes, its finally happening. as I write, the first load of laundry is going. fingers crossed, in 50 minutes, we will have clean clothes. we really, really need this to work out (trust me, you don’t want to know).… Read the rest

Week two at Victorian in Bloom was exciting, mainly because of the prospect of being able to do l

The only original door in the house

No Go

Week two at Victorian in Bloom was exciting, mainly because of the prospect of being able to do laundry. We had decided that of all expensive purchases we can make, we would get a washing machine (no dryer yet – hello line dry) as it should last (hopefully) awhile and the look of the machine doesn’t matter very much – unlike for kitchen appliances, which would be a rather silly purchase since we don’t know what we want our kitchen to ultimately look like.… Read the rest